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"Only" 94 today here in the San Fernando Valley, but we're promised 108 by Tuesday. Strongly dislike. May the a/c hang in there and keep me cool while the rest of this stupid country falls to pieces.

I loved SOLITO, but I'm not mad that you didn't. I feel like there's more to THE HUSBANDS than meets the eye, but it's such a mess toward the end that it's hard to fish it out. But something something who you are/who you're with/life/home. I don't know. Maybe it WAS just fluff. I still enjoyed the ride. SANDWICH is over there on the shelf. I love her newsletter, but I don't know when I'll get to the book.

I aspire to read as many books as you do, but I get caught up in slow read groups and too-many-newsletters and rabbit holes and I just don't get there. As for your content, do what you enjoy doing! I will happily read it.

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